Water in a tub

One Indian philosopher said that there is nothing absolutely right or absolutely wrong, however there are things that are wise and things that are not. What seems right from one point of view may seem wrong from the other point of view. There are many such things in the world, aren’t there? If you want to live wisely, neither right nor wrong, then taking care of your health is one of the best options. Because a healthy body and mind are essential for your well-being and your happiness. Basically, good health requires proper nutrition and appropriate exercise. You can choose any kind of exercise, but choosing yoga may be the wiser choice 😉.

In nutrition, a balanced intake should keep you healthy. Too much or too little of any of these will be harmful to your health. When a tub is filled with water, if one part of the tub is not high enough, the water will only fill up to that part. No matter how high the rest of the tub is, it can only hold water up to the lowest part. If you want to have enough water in the tub, you need to make sure that everything is balanced and at the right height. Take care to have a well-balanced nutritional intake.

Even in yoga practice, if you want to become stronger, more flexible and healthier, it is important to have a well-balanced practice. Practising only the poses you like and only one side which you are good at is not enough to improve your overall strength, flexibility and balance. If you lack endurance, practise holding poses for longer. If you can’t synchronize your breath and movement well in sun salutations and you get out of breath, then you can focus on that. Find your weaknesses and try to overcome them, it will help you to improve.